Thursday, March 23, 2006

My tRiP so far...

I landed in Seattle on Sunday along with two of my friends, Kaori and Yuka.
Of course, we spent some time in Seattle, hitting Pike Place Market and...


It was fun hanging out with my sister and her husband and the weather was absolutely gorgeous!
We even got a free flower because it was the first day of Spring! I felt special was on the road to Kennewick (my real hometown *sniff sniff*)
We had an aMeRiCaN style BBQ and of course, did a little shopping.

And that's it so far....I am sure there will be more exciting things happening later. Tomorrow Grayden comes and then I head off to Spokane myself. Wow, so much to do, so little time.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

America, America, la la la

For all of you still wondering about the squeaking floor, you'll be happy to know that it is "magically" becoming less squeaky. :)

AND....5 more days!!! I am 300% excited to be going home on Sunday!!!! School is finished, well practically. Spring is here, well almost. And I have yet to do my laundry and pack my bags, sad day. But, I am very very ready to go. It will be busy true but the idea of going on a trip as well as seeing family and friends is very appealing. PLUS, I am bringing two friends with me from Japan so that will be a lot more fun than flying alone and trying to think of things to do in the airport. Oh happy day!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Squeak Theory

Who said a job had to be "all work and no play"? In the office where I work we have discovered a new phenomenon this week; our floor squeaks. It started two days ago and nobody knows why. These past two days have consisted of trying to come up with reasons for this new "squeakiness". Some thought it was because the floor was dirty, so we cleaned it. Still squeaky. Some thought it was because it was clean. Others thought is was the change in the weather. And some, that it was because of our shoes (our socks squeak too). But, as I am writing this today, the floor still squeaks and we have yet to find an answer to this mystery.